Ashleigh Sergeant

Ashleigh Sergeant

Growing up with a yoga teacher as her mother, Ashleigh began her exploration of yoga at an early age, dedicated to the pursuit of healing a lifelong spine condition. Now, living a pain free and spiritually empowered life, Ashleigh is dedicated to sharing the healing power of yoga with the world.

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Ashleigh Sergeant
  • Yoga for Your Recovery Day

    A gentle effective full body unwind to support muscle repair and cellular regeneration. Stretch your muscles, unwind kinks and finish with twists to balance the spine. Leave reset and ready for your next workout.

  • Yoga for Inflexible People

    Yoga is for everyone, especially if you are not flexible! Clean out the cobwebs of tight muscles and joints with this practice that restores elasticity. Using a chair as a prop, increase spinal movement and joint mobility while finding length and strength.

  • Focused Mind Peak Performance

    Present moment awareness is the key to excellent athletic performance. Yoga teaches the mind to focus and sync with the body in order to access this state of awareness. This slow-paced yet deeply strengthening practice will help you reach your peak.

  • 10 Minute Core Activation

    Your core is more than just your abs, it is the center of your power. In this quick and powerful practice you will learn to activate your deep core muscles as well as your torso so that your lower body is strong and your upper body is free.

  • Challenge Your Balance

    Strengthen your legs and stabilize your glutes and hips in order to build your stamina in standing balances.

  • Happy Joy Flow

    "Where attention goes, energy flows" is a common saying in yoga. Practice turning your attention towards gratitude to experience joy and mental well being. Open the side body, ribs and lungs to help create a feeling of lightness and freedom.

  • Sculpt Your Body

    A practice geared at strengthening and toning the entire body through a combination of movement, long holds and proper alignment. Engage in familiar yoga postures and explore less traditional poses that ignite strength and coordination. Props: 1 block.

  • Standing Poses for Spinal Health

    This hatha practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is a moderate class designed as one part of a sequence of classes focusing on spinal strength, wellness and stability.

  • Strong, Lean and Open Legs

    This fusion practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is a moderate class designed to build your lower body.

  • Strong, Long: Arms & Shoulders

    This fusion practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is a beginner's class designed to build your top half and firm your center.

  • Support Ankles and Knees

    This hatha practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is an all-levels class designed to help you rethink your relationship with your lower legs.

  • Open Hips, Heal Low Back

    This hatha practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is a moderate class designed to create space in the hips to alleviate lower, posterior tension.

  • Shoulders, Neck, Elbow

    This hatha practice from Ashleigh Sergeant is an all-levels class designed to loosen, lubricate and train, from the top down.